For this project I was mainly a 3D modeller and a art director.
Character Design of "Zip"
When Zip was created, Sander and I, both assigned to design the characters for this short, had to come up with some ideas. The very early Zip design was too similar to Angry Birds, so I had to switch it up. Sander had already made a similar design to what is shown above. For my take on Zip I basically took his design and made it more Disney/Cartoony. Not long after my iterations Sander started on combining our ideas together in a 3D model.
Character Design of "Dave"
The design of Dave, the secondary character, was more in my control. In the early stages Dave was a bit of a lazy bum, bored and very much the type for playing games all day long. Eventually the setting where the pinball machine stood became a cafetaria, which made the said design less cohesive with the concept, somewhat unnecessary even. Inspired by New Kids, a dutch TV series about hooligans wrecking havoc in their hometown, I came up with a design based on the character Barry Batsbak.
Due time constraints and for rigging purposes we, Irina Tomova and I, simplified his design later on. Some things were left out: Subsurface scattering, detailed face + face rig, hair, basically due the fact that you wouldn't really see most of it. My work on Dave was interrupted for a short time, until the intially used version of Dave was ready for texturing. The final design of Dave has combined elements from older versions and was textured by me.
Due time constraints and for rigging purposes we, Irina Tomova and I, simplified his design later on. Some things were left out: Subsurface scattering, detailed face + face rig, hair, basically due the fact that you wouldn't really see most of it. My work on Dave was interrupted for a short time, until the intially used version of Dave was ready for texturing. The final design of Dave has combined elements from older versions and was textured by me.
Environmental Design
Based on some concept art created by Ben Neuteboom and me, I created the pinball floor scenes and the cafetaria scene for the first delivery of our short film. After that multiple artists iterated on the models in the scenes during multiple stages of our project. Both the Pinballfloor worlds and the Cafetaria scenes were blocked out by me at first during the first two blocks of our project.
In the beginning all the scenes had a very basic 3D blocking, most of it not even representing anything recognisable, visually it was only consisting out of cubes and other basic shapes. These were made as to divide the storyboard into different "sets". Upon those Blocking 3D scenes I build basic to more defining geometry, that would be depicti the overall look and feel of the pinball world.
In the beginning all the scenes had a very basic 3D blocking, most of it not even representing anything recognisable, visually it was only consisting out of cubes and other basic shapes. These were made as to divide the storyboard into different "sets". Upon those Blocking 3D scenes I build basic to more defining geometry, that would be depicti the overall look and feel of the pinball world.
Holoclouds & Coronas Design Process
In the last stages of our project I was in charge of creating a skydome with interesting shapes and forms. i came up with several concepts. Originally Ben Neuteboom had started on some ideas, but due time constraints of his tasks I became in charge of this. This ended out to be more time consuming and challenging for me than I originally thought. At firstthe holo clouds would be projections on a skydome. The clouds would be projected out of some virtual projector in the scene. Without the use of technical art, this proved difficult. By suggestion of teamlead Rachel, I started working on the holoclouds in the procedural modelling program Houdini. With help of teacher Kim Goossens, Achraf Cherabi and Rachel I succeeded creating procedural animated clouds. These clouds were imported into Maya, and with some tweaks they were eventually rendered.
Final Results
These are the final results of what I have worked on the most. Most of my time went into designing and finishing Dave, the environment, the holoclouds and coronas.